Charles Gillette
JoinedTopics Started by Charles Gillette
Women and Children First Still!
by Charles Gillette inat a time when women fly combat aircraft, when they are grant equality in education,in employment,in government,in athletics,etc.
what entitles women to the status of children still?.
women and children first when it comes to emergency situations.
Dean Songer
by Charles Gillette ina long time servant of the watchtower organization died this week.
his name was dean songer.
does anyone have any memories about him that they would like to share with us?
Guidelines For Proper Uses For Sold Kingdom Halls
by Charles Gillette inhow does the watchtower dispose of kingdom halls no longer usable because of poor attendance and or merging with another kingdom hall.the rank and file contributed lots of money to keep it active.. then they tell us their not using it anymore.where does the money for that hall go.
and what they do with the money they get for the sale of that property.
they certainly don't give the rank and file anything.. and what use will the new owners use it for.
Everything Happens For A Reason
by Charles Gillette indoes everything happen for a reason?
i hear this from so many people without any explanation as how this is so.
what do you think about this belief?
by Charles Gillette ini often wonder about death.
no one has any idea, do they?
people have speculated since the beginning of time but each original concept of the hereafter as been absurd as the one before.
From The Testament of Gideon Mack
by Charles Gillette inthe devil knows about everybody,all the christians that ever lived by rank and serial number.
atheists,infidels, pagans,sun-worshipper.
Captives of a Concept Anatomy of an Illusion'
by Charles Gillette inunderstanding the illusionary concept that holds jehovah's witnesses captive.
"there is only one thing that needs to be known about the watchtower society and there is only one way to know it.
" don camerson.
Stealing From The Worldwide Work Fund.
by Charles Gillette inall the money paid out by the watchtower to the child abuse law suits comes from the worldwide work fund or the contributions from the monies given for the kingdom hall real estate.
so,when we were actively involved donating funds for this purpose,and the watchtower used those funds for purposes other than the worldwide work are they not guilty of stealing funds that were donated for jehovah's kingdom.
can anything legal be done about this?
Harari, Yuval N.
by Charles Gillette inhave you read or know of harai, yuval n. books sapiens and homo deus.
i would appreciate your thoughts if you did.
i will be reading his book sapiens and then homo deus starting today.
Fun,Useless Facts
by Charles Gillette inelvis presley made only one television commercial,an ad for "southern maid doughnuts" that in 1954. .